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While we have April Fool’s Day, Good Friday and Easter this month, we also have the Corona Virus or Covid 19. This affects everyone in both Canada and the United States and the usual Easter celebrations have all been canceled. That includes the church services.


I returned from the warm south and crossed the border into Canada to freezing, cold ice and snow. I immediately went into self-isolation. It’s been an interesting experience and after my fourteen days isolation are over, we move to stay-at-home, or shelter-in-place. Except for grocery shopping, picking up medications or emergencies, we stay home for probably the next month and possibly two months. We have our newly adopted rescue dog, who is adjusting to the cold weather. We do get to walk him but must stay away from anyone.



Schools are closed, all non-essential business are closed, many grocery stores are counting the number of people allowed inside at any one time. Wherever you are, and what ever the rules, laws or recommendations in your area, I hope you obey them, stay safe and hopefully keep others safe.


In our area the self-isolation and stay-at-home are laws. If you are found to break these laws, there are fines starting at $1000.


On the positive side, I finally finished Death Southern Style. I’m doing the last read and edit now and hope to send it off shortly. And since I’m spending more time at home, I’m doing some organization and plan to get back to work on Lydia’s story.


I’m also still not doing much self promoting for April, for several reasons.







I am doing Spring Break Bookapalooza on April 28 at 


The most important things are to avoid large groups over 8-10 people, physical distance – stay six feet apart from anyone, and wash your hands frequently – at least twenty seconds with soap and water. Stay safe and have a good month.




Sara’s emotionally abusive husband dies unexpectedly. She’s struggling to reclaim the intelligent, independent person she was before she married. She vows never to let a man take over her life again. Now she’s part of a special team, training to help other women.


Mac is has been responsible for training women in special ops techniques so they are prepared when they are challenged to save other women. When he meets Sara sparks fly between them. He wants her to quit the training and let him take care of her.


Sara graduates and now she and her team have to save Sara’s daughter from a serial killer. Can Mac step back and trust her in a dangerous situation? Can Sara and Mac resolve their issues, or will they go in opposite directions?


May?? Not sure we will have a lot going on this month. Canada has Victoria Day Weekend and the US has Memorial Day. In Canada all celebrations have been cancelled because the Corona Virus is still with us. In Canada, as of today, we have 53,236 cases of the Covid virus and 3,184 deaths. And it doesn’t look like we’ve peaked. We’re doing still on an upward curve.


We’re still on lock down and stay-at-home. It’s an interesting time. Many parts of the world have had varying degrees of infection and they have handled them in different ways. Some are slowly starting to open up. We’ll see how it works. I have no comment on what appears to work better. Before we get a treatment and hopefully a vaccine. I do believe that the one thing that works is social/physical distancing, staying at least six feet apart. The second thing is hand washing, frequently and for at least twenty seconds. Avoid crowds. Face covering in close distances. All these things appear to help slow the infection, flatten the curve and hopefully reduce the number of deaths.



I’m doing stay-at-home. I shop once a week, wear gloves and a mask and stay at least six feet from anyone. Am I going stir crazy? Oh, yeah. The weather is finally warming up so I can spend a little time outside in the yard – but then we have the wind. Like many writers I have used the time to write. I was challenged to do 100 words a day for April. I accepted the challenge and wrote at least 100 words every day and reported in, to my challenger. It helped and I did write. I finished editing Death Southern Style.


I had to find a new editor, but the book is now at an editor. And I’m hoping to get it back, do the revisions, and get it to my formatter before the end of the month. I make get it up for sale yet. And with my 100 words a day I also pulled out The Foundation Lydia’s Story, the second in the series, and started back writing that book. I’ve heard many writers are getting lots of writing done with stay-at-home. That’s one good thing related to the virus. There should be lots of new books out there to read while staying-at-home.


There are also a couple of other positive thins with the virus. There is limited transportation and the air around the world is cleaner than it has been for a long time. Also, the SPCA’s and other pet control centers are empty. All the animals have been adopted. So, hold that thought, and let’s hope May is a good month for all, including writers.




I’m hoping Death Southern Style will be available for sale by June. Once I get a pre-order date, I’ll start to promote it. Until then I’m taking a break. Besides, with stay-at home I tend to be a little brain dead at time and I was too late to get in on a couple of promotions.


Since I’m working On Lydia’s story, here’s an excerpt (draft).


Hidden in the shadows they watched the guards change. The heavy Peruvian undergrowth prevented any sun shining through but keep the humidity locked in, giving the air a sauna-like feel.

"Ready?" Lydia whispered.

Sara nodded, and edged toward the path. She got the assignment because she spoke fluent Spanish. With her dyed black and make up darkening her skin she looked Peruvian. Mac had helped her dye her hair and use the skin darkener. He really had come a long way. With a quick glance at her team she pulled a scarf over her head and sauntered towards the prison gate.

Maggie beside her. She dropped into the undergrowth when they approached the guard.

The guard stopped Sara.

"I'm working in the kitchen today. Maria is sick."

He nodded and waved another guard to escort her.

"Scuse." Sara bumped into him as she passed, pocketing his gate key.

Maggie crawled close in the underbrush. Sara dropped the key. Maggie’s hand shot out and grabbed it. Sara proceeded into the prison.

In the kitchen Sara removed her scarf and pulled on an apron. The head cook shouted at her in Spanish to make the soup.

Sara swallowed a smile. The soup would be perfect. She added bouillon and water. She glanced around the room, pulled out a slim container from her pocket and dumped a large portion of the powder into the cauldron. She hummed a melody from her childhood and continued to stir the soup. This had been easier than they expected, but would the rest of the plan work as smoothly?

When she finished the soup Sara checked the coffee. She added more water and a generous dump of powder.

A few hours later, after finishing the menu for dinner Sara left the prison. Maggie put her hand out from behind a bush near the gate and returned the key to Sara.

The gate guard stared at Sara. She smiled at the guard, ran her fingers up his chest ss she returned his key. Then, smiling, she swaggered down the trail, hips undulating, as she headed toward town.  Around the corner she slipped off the trail into the darkness of the jungle where her team waited.

"They should sleep well." Sara grinned as they crept through the underbrush to the temporary camp they had set up.

Several hours later, in the pitch black of night, the four women made their way back to the prison gate. Dressed in fatigues and black face the women waited outside the prison gate for the change of guards.

Lydia nodded and they crept forward to the gate. Inside a guard slumped to one side, leaning against the pillar, snoring loudly.

Maggie pulled out the duplicate key they had made and opened the gate just enough for the women to slip inside.

Once in the courtyard Maggie grabbed the sleeping guard's keys. Sara led the way through the prison, at a fork in the path she turned away from the kitchen and toward the cells. In the cells they searched for Dr. Miguay. A few inmates woke, shouting to be released. Most slept soundly.

Dr. Miguay had a cell to herself near the end. Opening the cell door, Sara opened the cell door.  The doctor slept soundly.  "Damn, she must have eaten the soup. Quick, Maggie, the antidote."

Maggie dug into her pack and handed Sara a syringe. Sara shot it into the doctor's upper arm and waited.

She continued to sleep on her cot for several more minutes. Finally her eyes flickered open. She stared up at the four women.

Speaking in Spanish Sara said, "We're here to rescue you. We're Americans. We're taking you to the United States."







March is The Ides of March, Women’s History Month, Pi Day and St. Patrick’s Day and the first day of spring.


Saint Patrick's Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick, is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17 March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick, the foremost patron saint of Ireland.


The Ides of March was a day in the Roman calendar that corresponds to 15 March. It was marked by several religious observances and was notable for the Romans as a deadline for settling debts.




March is Women's History Month – commemorating and encouraging the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history.




Pi Day celebrates mathematics on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter

It feels like we’re racing through 2020. And I’m still working on my first goal of 2020 – Finish the Damn Book. I am writing and editing and within a few pages of writing The End. It will be sent to my editor on March 3rd. And my goal will be met. Whew! Finally. It was supposed to be finished last September/October. I’ve never had this much of a challenge finishing a book. Like I said previously, I’m beginning to wonder if this book is meant to be written. And yet I love the book, it’s characters and its premise. I hope you will, too.


The next task will be to edit the book when I get it back and send it off for formatting. I’m hoping that part goes quickly. Once I get time frames from everyone, I’ll put the book up for pre-order. Once it’s gone for editing, I want to get back to working on The Foundation – Lydia’s Story. The pressure’s not on as much for that one. I have a couple of months to work on it. We’ll also be packing and heading back home this month. Hoping the winter weather is gone by then.


We also adopted a rescue dog in late February. He’s a nine-year old, very obese Bichon cross who has been on the streets for awhile. His fur was totally matted so he had to be shaved. So, we’re working on some of his health issues, putting him on a diet and getting him adapted to our life – or maybe us to his. He has the sweetest personality.

I’ve cut back on promotion again this month because I want to finish Death Southern Style and start promoting it. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

I’m on the March Countdown on The Red Carpet at


March 22 - Group Blog – start at this month  the topic is ‘What draws you into a story?’


Check out my blog and meet some great authors with their new books and other information at and I’d love to have you post your comments and thoughts.


And my newsletter will be out this month. Check it out. This month I have Stacy Juba, of Shortcuts for Writers who is releasing an online course March 6 that she expects to save writers time and money on the editing process,  as my guest.





February is Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day and Heart Health Month

And we’ve already shot through January and Ground Hog Day. Depending which ground hog, you believe neither Punxsutawney Phil nor Wiarton Willie saw their shadows so it’s an early spring. However, Shubenacadie Sam did see his shadow so it’s six more weeks of winter. Make your own decision.

I’m still working on my first goal of 2020 – Finish the Damn Book. Yes, I have been writing but not enough. I’ve written, edited and rewritten and I’m still about five thousand words from finishing. I’m beginning to wonder if this book is meant to be written.


January was a bit of a challenge. I lost my beloved Sachi. My writing chapter suddenly turned upside down and the whole board resigned, and it devolved into a total disaster, so after more than twenty years I resigned. I don’t do that kind of stress anymore.


I’m hoping this means that February I will concentrate on my writing, get the book off for editing and maybe, just maybe, off for formatting. (fingers crossed) Once it’s gone for editing, I want to get back to working on The Foundation – Lydia’s Story. The pressure’s not on as much for that one. I have a couple of months to work on it.


Once again, I’m not doing a lot of promotion this month. I want to finish and publish Death Southern Style and start promoting it. So hopefully next month.

I’m on the Valentine’s Day Countdown on The Red Carpet at 


February 22 - Group Blog – start at this month  the topic is an extension of January’s topic.  Current trends (those that your like and those that infuriate you) that might end up in a story. How should fiction set in today’s times treat politics?


February 22 – I’m a guest on Viviana MacKade’s blog at 


Check out my blog and meet some great authors with their new books and other information at and I’d love to have you post your comments and thoughts.


Don’t forget it’s Heart Month. So, check it out and do something healthy for your heart.



Sara’s emotionally abusive husband dies unexpectedly. She’s struggling to reclaim the intelligent, independent person she was before she married. She vows never to let a man take over her life again. Now she’s part of a special team, training to help other women.
Mac is has been responsible for training women in special ops techniques so they are prepared when they are challenged to save other women. When he meets Sara sparks fly between them. He wants her to quit the training and let him take care of her.
Sara graduates and now she and her team have to save Sara’s daughter from a serial killer. Can Mac step back and trust her in a dangerous situation? Can Sara and Mac resolve their issues, or will they go in opposite directions?



Buy links:


The office said he’d had a heart attack. Was he alive? Did she want him to be? What if her husband had to stay home for a few weeks to recuperate? Palms sweating, Sara’s breath came in short, shallow bursts at the thought.

The taxi jerked to a stop in front of the hospital emergency entrance.

Sara fumbled through her purse and counted out her meager number of dollar bills. Gordon didn’t allow her to have a credit card and he only allowed her to have a small amount of cash. She didn’t have enough money to pay the taxi.

“I’m so sorry. I left home without any cash. I...I ... Would you take a check?” Tears spilled over and trickled down her flushed cheeks.

The driver spun around. A short stubby finger waved at the sign over the rearview mirror. “Look lady, it says right there - No Checks.”

“I know, I know. I’m sorry. My husband has had a heart attack and I ... I don’t know what to do.” Sara ran her fingers through her hair and scrunched the tight bun at her neck.

The driver shook his head. “Aw, shit. Go ahead, lady. Write the check.”

Sara pulled the single crumpled check Gordon allowed her carry for emergencies out of her purse. When she touched the check a vision of Gordon floated in front of her.

She froze and rapidly blinked her eyes. She only saw the ghosts of dead people. Gordon didn’t believe her and forbid her to ever mention it.

Could he really be dead?

“Gordon?” she whispered.

“Lady, are you writing that check or not?”

“Yes, sorry.” Sara scribbled her signature on the bottom of the check. “Please, fill it in, and give yourself a generous tip. Thank you, thank you so much.” She clutched her worn purse to her chest, slid out of the cab, and scurried through the emergency room doors.

What if he was dead? She didn’t have any money. Gordon did all the finances and never shared anything with her.  How would she manage?

Twenty years ago, she could have handled it. Could she do it again? But he couldn’t be dead. Gordon would never allow that to happen.

His face flitted in front of her, fixed in an angry glare.

He had to be dead or she wouldn’t be seeing him. He didn’t want to be dead. He didn’t want her to be free. If he thought she could see him he’d be furious.

Sara shuffled toward the reception desk. She glanced over her shoulder, searching for some sign of Gordon, listening for his voice, waiting for him to yell at her. She couldn’t believe he was really dead, even though she had seen him. She clung to the edge of the transition counter, her head down, chewed on her lower lip and waited to be noticed.

Finally a brusque voice snapped, “Can I help you?”

Sara looked up to see a heavy set, older woman in a loose blue top. The woman’s thick dark brows met in a v in the middle of her forehead.

“I’m sorry, I ...I’m looking for my husband. His office phoned to say he’d been brought here.” Sara shrunk into her body.

“Name?” the woman commanded.

“Gordon, Gordon Peters.” Sara stared at her worn black oxfords, then at the scuffed, gray linoleum with the red, blue and yellow lines that led to different areas.  Maybe she shouldn’t have come. Maybe she should have waited for Gordon to call and tell her whether she should be here or not. But if he was dead she would have to make her own decisions. Her pulse raced. Her head pounded. For the last nineteen years she had never made a decision. Gordon made all of them for her.

“When was he admitted?” The woman reminded Sara of a sergeant major.

“I’m not sure, less than an hour ago. They told me to meet him here. Maybe he’s been discharged already?” She chewed her thumbnail. If Gordon had been discharged, he’d be furious at her for spending all that money on a taxi.  But she’d seen his ghost.

Tension twisted her stomach into knots. The pain caused her to clutch her purse tightly against her abdomen. She needed to get home and start dinner. She’d have to take a bus. Did she have enough money? She opened her purse.

The woman moved to a second pile of folders and pulled one out. “You’re his wife?”

Sara nodded. “Yes. Can I see him?”

A sob slipped out. If she didn’t find see him soon, he’d be furious. He’d think she was too stupid to even find him in a hospital and he’d be right.

His ghost floated in front of her. This time confusion mixed with his anger

“Have a seat, Mrs. Peters. I’ll have the doctor speak to you.” The sergeant major’s voice softened. She indicated a chair near the desk.

“No, please, I need to see him right away. He’ll be upset if I’m late.”

The woman rounded the desk and laid her hand on Sara’s shoulder. She squeezed gently for a second. “It’ll be okay, honey. You just sit down for a minute. The doctor will be right out.”




After and eleven year absence Janna Kincaid inherits a ranch and is forced to return to a town she only remembers with unhappiness, a man to whom she was briefly married and never wants to see again, and someone is trying to kill her.


Kye Hawkins has loved Janna since he first met her. They were married but a few weeks later she ran away, without an explanation. He still hasn't figured out why. Now she's coming back. Does she still love him? Can he rekindle the romance and also prevent her from being killed.


Janna doesn't want Kye's help in anyway, yet he always seems to be there when she's in trouble. Can they work together to find a killer, save the Native burial ground and home of the spirits, and find romance again?

Buy links:


Someone had shot her back tire. Janna gripped the wheel to keep the vehicle on the road. She debated whether to try and outrun the shooter, wherever he was, or find cover. The windshield shattered as a third bullet entered the passenger side.

So much for outrunning the shooter.

She scanned the area and spotted an outcropping of rocks a few feet ahead on her right. She aimed the vehicle in that direction.

Two more shots, and both the back tires went down.

Definitely find cover.

Janna ducked low behind the steering wheel until the vehicle reached the rocks. When the car stopped, she grabbed the keys from the ignition and her purse and dove out the door. Bullets bounced off the rocks behind her as she scrambled for cover. Whoever was doing the shooting was serous. Anyone of the shots could have hit her.

She reached the rocks, keeping low until she got to the middle where she curled up as tightly as possible, her back against a rock. Her heart pounded in her ears, her breathing came in gasps. This was getting to be a habit. First someone tried to kill her in Seattle, and now, out in this god-forsaken country.

What the hell is going on? Why are they shooting at me? Was it the same person who shot at me in Seattle? That doesn’t seem likely, but who even knew I was coming here? Maybe it’s someone just trying to rob a stranger.

Yeah right, be honest, Janna, does this road look like many strangers came this way? And if they did, would they have a lot to steal? You really think this person selected a spot in the rocks where he would have a good shot at my vehicle. Coincidence? Not damn likely.

At least she’d worn boots and jeans—even if they were designer jeans. Now they were filthy, and so was her red sweater and jean jacket.

Another shot hit the rock behind her. She rolled over onto her stomach, shaded her eyes, and squinted into the sun. He must be up on the cliffs straight ahead. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she might have glimpsed a light, maybe a reflection off his scope.

Terrific! Now what? My gun is in my purse. I could fire back, but that would be a waste of bullets at this distance. 

She yanked out her cell and punched in 9-1-1.

Damn—no reception.

A pounding pulsed through the ground and came closer. Janna could feel the vibrations. It felt like horses. She glanced around, without raising her head, to see what was coming.

Suddenly there was a hand in front of her face.

“Grab it and jump on.”

The deep, rumbling voice was not asking. It was an order.

Janna grabbed the strong hand. In one smooth motion, she swung up behind a man on his horse. Seconds later, she had her hands wrapped around his well-developed, muscular chest, as the big chestnut thundered across the ground, out of the bullets’ range.

The man wore a leather jacket over a sweater. Her hands slid under the jacket for better grip. Even through the sweater she could feel sinewy muscles. She laid her head against his back and his braid. She took a breath in, inhaling the rich scent of leather, trying to calm her racing heart rate.

She glanced behind her. The cliffs were fading into the distance. The muscles of his well-developed shoulders bunched and relaxed as he led the horse at a gallop across the field. She felt safe for some unfathomable reason.

He had a familiar woodsy scent that made her think of sex under pine trees, not that she’d ever made love there. In fact, her sex life was pretty negligible these days.

They’d been riding for several minutes when Janna leaned forward. “You can put me down any place. I can manage now.”

“Really? And just what are you going to do out here, miles from town, by yourself, with someone shooting at you?”

The voice was deep, but soft, and rolled over her like warmed brandy. It triggered something in the back of her memory. The earthy scent, the sinewy body, the braid, the voice… She knew this person who had ridden up out of nowhere to save her.

“I have my cell. I’ve already called 9-1-1,” she snapped.

“And did you get an answer?”

Janna yanked her cell phone up where she could see the screen again and re-tapped in 9-1-1. And then there was that famous phrase—No Service.

There was a deep chuckle. “That’s what I thought. There’s no service in this area. The mountains block it.”

Hunted by Beverley Bateman

Maggie McGonigal will protect her son at any cost, including her own life. After seven years in witness protection someone has found her and is trying to kill her. She contacts the man she never wanted to see again. Now to convince him to take a son he doesn’t know about back to his ranch in Montana, so she can disappear again.


Cody Hawkins comes running when the woman he wants to forget calls him for help. Someone is trying to kill her.


It’s been seven years since Maggie walked away. Why contact him now? Who would want to kill her? Can he help her and then walk away from her? Or can he convince her to return to Montana and let him protect her?

Buy links:


“Why would anyone want to kill you?”

“Like I said, it’s a long story.”

“Well, darlin’, you asked me here. It was a long drive from Montana, so go ahead and let’s hear the whole story.”

“I was a witness to a murder. Maybe we should talk after dinner, when Matt is asleep. Will you be staying at the hotel tonight?”

“I wasn’t sure where I would spend the night. Hadn’t planned on staying in this expensive tourist trap, but if what you’re telling me is true, then, yes, I’m staying here tonight.”
“I’ll call down to the desk and book you a room.”

“No, if I’m going to protect you, I’ll be sleepin’ here, in your room tonight.”

She squirmed in her chair and he forced himself not to smile. He could only imagine what she was thinking about the two of them spending the night together in this small hotel room.

“If someone wants you dead, I need to be here, in this room, to keep you both safe. Now that’s settled, why would someone want to kill you?”

“Six years ago, I witnessed a mafia shooting in Chicago. I’ve been in the witness protection plan ever since. It looks like they finally found me.” She glanced across at Matt.

A cracking sound pierced the room. A jagged pattern cut across the window, scattering shards of glass on the floor.

Maggie screamed.

Cody threw himself at her, pushing her to the ground. Another bullet embedded itself in the wall, inches above where she’d sat minutes before.

“Mommy,” Matt yelled.

“It’s okay, honey. Lie still. Don’t move.”

Using his elbows, Cody cautiously raised himself. Sliding off Maggie, he crawled across the floor to the bed where he reached up and pulled Matt into his arms. Clutching the boy tightly against his chest, he could feel the little heart pound wildly.

“Hey, buddy, it’s going to be okay. What were you watching?”

“The Roadrunner, Wile E. Coyote is going to drop a rock on him.”

“Think he’ll get him?”

“No. of course not,” Matt laughed. “The bad guy never wins.”

Cody smiled. If only life was that simple. The bad guy never wins.

“How about you watch it from down here?”

“Why? Why are you and Mommy on the floor? What was that loud noise?”

“It’s sort of a game. We want you to play, too, so you have to watch TV down with us.”

“Okay.” Matt slipped from Cody’s arms to lie on the plush hotel carpet. He stared up at the cartoon still playing on the TV and became mesmerized by the colorful action on the screen.

“Are you all right?” Cody flashed a look at Maggie.

“I’m fine. Take care of Matt.” She clenched her upper arm, but the red continued to trickle down to her elbow and drip onto her jeans.

“We’re doing great, aren’t we, buddy?” He patted Matt on the head.

Another crash filled the room as a third shot shattered the mirror. The glass sprayed across the bed and floor like pebbles spread across the shore by ocean waves.

Matt and Maggie screamed.

Cody tightened his arms around Matt and glanced at Maggie.

Any color left had fled her face, her body shook, and the blood continued to ooze between the fingers she had clamped around her arm.

“You’ve been shot. You’re bleeding.”

“Brilliant diagnosis, Sherlock, like they say in the movies, it’s just a flesh wound. I’m fine.” She pulled herself to a sitting position and leaned back against the chair, pasting a smile on her face. Her body shook hard enough to rock the chair.

“It’s not that serious. It just burns like I’ve been branded.”
“Keep the pressure on and stay down.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”

“Matt, go stay with your mother.”
Matt crawled to his mother’s side. “Are you okay, Mommy?”
“I’m fine, honey.” Maggie attempted a smile. “Shouldn’t we get out of here?”
“Hang on. We don’t know if anyone is out in the hall. There could be a second person waiting to get you if you survive the shooter and try to escape.”
“I didn’t think of that.” Maggie dropped her chin to Matt’s head. “Now you know why I want you to take him away from here.”
It had been a few minutes since the last shot, so Cody inched his way to the window on his knees, carefully avoiding shattered glass and mirror. When he reached the wide windowsill, he pulled himself up by his arms, cautiously peering out over the ledge. A turret blocked part of the view of the harbor, but there would be a clear view into Maggie`s room from the higher floors in the tower. Using his finger, he drew an imaginary line from the bullet hole in the wall, to the middle of shattered area of the window, attempting to gauge where the shots had come from. It looked like the fifth floor of the tower. He double-checked but couldn’t see anyone moving around over there.
Reaching for the cord, he closed the thick heavy curtains. Then he stood and edged to the hotel room door. He carefully unlocked it and opened it a crack.
He waited a second, then opened it a little more and slipped into the hallway.
A few minutes later, he reappeared.
“I think it’s okay now. Let’s check the damage.” He dialed the front desk to get a doctor.
He hadn’t expected any of this when he came here; someone shooting at them, a six- year old who wanted to come to his ranch and Maggie with a bullet in her arm.
What the hell had she gotten herself into? And how the hell could he protect her and her son?

Fall has officially arrived – leaf scuffling time. I don’t know where you live but we have below freezing temperatures at night and we had snow flurries yesterday and today. So far it’s not sticking. Thank heavens! I head south to avoid cold weather, but we don’t leave for another four weeks. 

In the meantime, I’ve edited The Fourth Victim and I’m getting it formatted. I have my cover artist working on the cover. I’m hoping to have it by the end of this coming week. Watch for a new cover post. My goal is to have The Fourth Victim released by October 26thI’m hoping to promo it after I get the cover and then guest blogs in November. 

For October I’m promoting By Design and Don’t Go at . I’m looking at changing the cover on Don’t Go. 

I’m starting to work on my newsletter. I started with MailChimp, but I found it confusing. I’ll see how the next attempt goes. I’m hoping to eventually send out one every three months. 

On a personal side, I’m preparing to head south in about four weeks. We got the roof, deck, and carport repaired – so everything is now waterproof. When we get back they’re replacing some of the floors that were damaged, the ceilings and the electrical. It will be nice to have it all done. 

Also, I’m Canadian so we have Thanksgiving October 8th, turkey, ham, and all the trimmings. Then when we go south I get to do it all over again. It’s great for the waistline. I do my Christmas cards before we go. I’m also working on the next book in my Hawkins’ Ranch series, Gabe’s story and hoping to finish off Death Southern Style. We’ll see how that goes this month. I’ll keep you updated. 


Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians! 

Targeted by Beverley Bateman

Can you believe we’re almost half way through this year? Where are you in all the goals you set? Or did you set any? Me? I’m not doing as well as I had hoped. You know, that darn life thing keeps interfering. I have done my June’s newsletter and it should be out by now and I’m giving away a copy of Hunted. If you’re not receiving my newsletter and would like to, go to and sign up. 


I’m busy doing my blog with lots of great authors and some interesting topics. Click on my blog and check out my blog site. 


I finished reading my Daphne books and found a couple of great reads. I’m not sure I should make any recommendations but Loreth Anne White has new book out “The Girl in the Moss’ which is terrific. 


I am finally getting more organized. I got my garden in (not writing orientated) and I’m busy trying to eat healthy. I’ve decided I’m a flexitarian, eating less red meat and more vegetarian and having fun trying out new recipes. And I’m catching up on all those writing extras. I’m also getting back into writing mode, which I said last month.


I’m still working on two books at the same time, The Foundation series and the stand alone, Death Southern Style. And I keep thinking about Gabe’s Story – an abused woman who finally escapes her husband. 


Here’s another short excerpt from the second book of The Foundation series, Liability Wife Lydia’s story.  Hopefully you’ve read Book one of The Foundation series, The Fourth Victim Sara’s Story. If not and you’d like to check it out, there are a couple of links below – and you can also win Amazon gift cards. 


If you have read The Fourth Victim Sara’s Story, remember Lydia? Lydia is another member of the team. She’s the wealthy Florida socialite married to a doctor. It’s her money but he wants it and if they divorce he gets nothing. So he’s hired a hit man.  She’s still part of her team and they’re off to South American to save a woman. Here’s a short excerpt (draft).  

Hidden in the shadows they watched the guards change. The heavy under growth prevented any sun shining through but keep the humidity locked in, giving the air a sauna-like feel.  
"Ready?" Lydia whispered.  
Sara nodded, moving toward the path. She got the assignment because she spoke fluent Spanish. With her dyed black and make up darkening her skin she looked Peruvian. Mac had helped her dye her hair and use the skin darkener. He really had come a long way. With a quick glance at her team she pulled a scarf over her head and sauntered towards the prison gate.  
Maggie moved with her, sliding into the undergrowth near the guard.  
The guard stopped her,  
"I'm working in the kitchen today. Maria is sick."  
He nodded and waved another guard to escort her.  
"Scuse." Sara bumped into him as she passed, pocketing his gate key. She dropped into Maggie's hand as she proceeded into the prison.  
In the kitchen Sara removed her scarf and pulled on an apron. The head cook shouted at her in Spanish to make the soup.  
Sara swallowed a smile. The soup was perfect. As she added bouillon and water she pulled out a slim container from her pocket and dumped a large portion of the powder into the cauldron. Continuing to stir, she hummed a melody from her childhood. This had been easier than they expected, but would the rest of the plan work as smoothly?  
When she finished the soup Sara checked the coffee, adding more water and a generous dump of powder.  
A few hours later, after finishing the menu for dinner Sara left the prison. Maggie returned the key to her form a hidden post in a bush near the gate.  
Sara smiled at the guard, running her fingers up his chest s she returned his key. Then, smiling, she swaggered down the trail, hips undulating, as she headed toward town. Rounding the corner she slipped off the trail into the darkness of the jungle where her team waited.  
"They should sleep well." Sara grinned as they crept through the underbrush to the temporary camp they had set up.  
Several hours later, in the pitch black of night, the four women made their way back to the prison gate. Dressed in fatigues and black face the women waited outside the prison gate for the change of guards.  
Lydia nodded and they crept forward to the gate. Inside a guard slumped to one side, leaning against the pillar, snoring loudly.  
Maggie pulled out the key and opened the gate, just enough for the women to slip inside.  
Once in the courtyard Maggie grabbed the guard's keys. Sara led the way through the prison, at a fork she turned away from the kitchen and toward the cells. As they searched for Dr. Miguay a few inmates woke, shouting to be released. Most slept soundly.  
Dr. Miguay had a cell to herself near the end. Opening the cell door, Sara found the woman sleeping soundly. "Damn, she must have eaten the soup. Quick, Maggie, the antidote."  
Maggie dug into her pack and handed saran a syringe. Sara shot it into the doctor's upper arm and waited.  
She remained asleep on her cot for several more minutes. Finally her eyes flickered open. She stared up at the four women.  
Speaking in Spanish Sara said, "We're here to rescue you. We're Americans. We're taking you to the United States."  
Dr. Miguay tried to sit.  
Sara helped her reach a sitting position and swing her legs over the edge of the cot and stood up slowly, stilling staring at Sara. Sara grabbed the woman's hand and pulled her forward, slinging her over her shoulder.  
Outside the cell Sara dropped the doctor to the floor. Maggie took the doctor's other hand and  
The doctor nodded as they plunged through the dense underbrush, Diane hacking away at roots between them they pulled her down the corridor between the cells toward the front gate.  
"This way," Sara said in Spanish as they charged into the underbrush. "We have about an hour until we get to our plane."  
The doctor nodded. "I speak English. Why are you doing this?"  
"We don't like to see women abused." Diane gave a curt laugh. "You do good work."  


Targeted by Beverley Bateman

U.S. Cover

This month I have  the Book of the Month spot. Check it out at


And check out The Fourth Victim Sara’s Story on Rafflecopter,  You could win a $50 Amazon gift card. 


Also check out The Red Carpet for The Fourth Victim Sara’s Story at to win 2 Amazon gift cards 


June 12th I’m at Mary Schmidt’s 


June 14th – It’s the 500th Anniversary at I Love Romance Blog  And I’ll be there. 


June 22 – It’s group blog on my blog site - And we’re discussing “Has an event in your life, or that of someone you know, or one covered in the news, ever worked its way into one of your stories?” 


And my June newsletter is out. You can check it under More on this site 


Don’t forget to check out my blog and some great authors with their new books and other information at


Have a great summer. 

Targeted by Beverley Bateman


Wow! April showers bring May flowers. We’re into May – and we just had snow. I don’t know how the weather is around where you live.  Hopefully those spring flowers pop up soon. 


And where am I in my writing? I am getting back into writing mode. I signed up to attend the Romance Writers of America Conference in New York. That should be a good experience and hopefully there are lots of good workshops.  I’m busy reading my Daphne contest books – almost finished and there have been some great entries. 


I’m writing but I’m sort of working on two books at the same time. I don’t usually do this but I’d like to get both books finished by the end of summer. I’m working on book two of The Foundation series and the stand alone, Death Southern Style. 




Here’s a short excerpt from the second book of The Foundation series, Liability Wife Lydia’s story.  Hopefully you’ve read Book one of The Foundation series, The Fourth Victim Sara’s Story. If not and you’d like to check it out,  there are a couple of links below – and you can also win Amazon gift cards. 


If you have read The Fourth Victim Sara’s Story, remember Lydia? Lydia is another member of the team. She’s the wealthy Florida socialite married to a doctor. It’s her money but he wants it and if they divorce he gets nothing. So he’s hired a hit man.  Here’s a short excerpt. 

Lydia hesitated at the door of her Florida home. It had been almost five months since she’d been back. She’d had the locks changed so her wonderful, cheating husband couldn’t get in. Still...


                She knew he’d hired a hit man but she hoped she had slipped back into town unnoticed and if she was quick, she could get in, do a quick check and remove some of her stuff before her husband or the hit man knew she was back in town.  She had a flight back to New York tonight.


Her first stop had been to her lawyers to sign the changes to her will.


                Now she glanced over her shoulder.  The street looked empty. She turned the key and the locked clicked. Lydia slipped quickly inside and locked the door. The place had the musty scent of being closed up for a few months. No one, including Paul, had been back inside. He was staying at the Men’s club. She’d checked out his location and itinerary before she’d come back to Florida.


                The house gave off unwelcoming, almost threatening vibes. She felt a little vulnerable without her team. A smile touched her lips briefly. She’d never expected to become a special operative with a strong supportive team. If they were here they’d have her back. They were back in New York, but would always be there for her if Paul continued to try and have her killed.       


                She hurried to her office, opened a couple of drawers, grabbed a diary and some computer disks. Lydia dropped them into the backpack she’d brought with her and hastened up the stairs to her bedroom. In the closet she removed a few favorite outfits. At the back of the closet she opened the secret compartment where she kept her good jewelry, dumped everything into the backpack, shivered, and ran down the stairs. Something felt off.


She wanted out of the house. She darted down the hall to the back door.  A click from the front door caught her attention. Lydia’s stomach clenched. Someone knew she was here. They were trying to break into the house.


                Lydia paused one second and focused her mind on the front door. She could see the lock. Using her power of telekinesis she visualized the pick being pushed into the lock, slid it out of the lock and dropped it in the plant beside the door.


                She heard someone swear.




Targeted by Beverley Bateman

U.S. Cover


This month I have the cover of my book, Targeted and the buy link on display at 


And check out The Fourth Victim Sara’s Story on Rafflecopter,  

You could win a $50 Amazon gift card.


Also check out The Red Carpet for The Fourth Victim Sara’s Story at

to win 2 Amazon gift cards.


This month is Victoria Day in Canada, Monday, May 20th.  It’s a statutory holiday, celebrated on the Monday preceding May 25th, to celebrate Queen Victoria’s birthday. And it’s Memorial Day in the United States, the last Monday in May. It commemorates all men and women who have dies in military service for the US.



And don’t forget to check out my blog and some great authors with their new books and other information.

Have a great Holiday Weekend – whichever holiday you celebrate!