Wow! April showers bring May flowers. We’re into May – and we just had snow. I don’t know how the weather is around where you live.  Hopefully those spring flowers pop up soon. 


And where am I in my writing? I am getting back into writing mode. I signed up to attend the Romance Writers of America Conference in New York. That should be a good experience and hopefully there are lots of good workshops.  I’m busy reading my Daphne contest books – almost finished and there have been some great entries. 


I’m writing but I’m sort of working on two books at the same time. I don’t usually do this but I’d like to get both books finished by the end of summer. I’m working on book two of The Foundation series and the stand alone, Death Southern Style. 




Here’s a short excerpt from the second book of The Foundation series, Liability Wife Lydia’s story.  Hopefully you’ve read Book one of The Foundation series, The Fourth Victim Sara’s Story. If not and you’d like to check it out,  there are a couple of links below – and you can also win Amazon gift cards. 


If you have read The Fourth Victim Sara’s Story, remember Lydia? Lydia is another member of the team. She’s the wealthy Florida socialite married to a doctor. It’s her money but he wants it and if they divorce he gets nothing. So he’s hired a hit man.  Here’s a short excerpt. 

Lydia hesitated at the door of her Florida home. It had been almost five months since she’d been back. She’d had the locks changed so her wonderful, cheating husband couldn’t get in. Still...


                She knew he’d hired a hit man but she hoped she had slipped back into town unnoticed and if she was quick, she could get in, do a quick check and remove some of her stuff before her husband or the hit man knew she was back in town.  She had a flight back to New York tonight.


Her first stop had been to her lawyers to sign the changes to her will.


                Now she glanced over her shoulder.  The street looked empty. She turned the key and the locked clicked. Lydia slipped quickly inside and locked the door. The place had the musty scent of being closed up for a few months. No one, including Paul, had been back inside. He was staying at the Men’s club. She’d checked out his location and itinerary before she’d come back to Florida.


                The house gave off unwelcoming, almost threatening vibes. She felt a little vulnerable without her team. A smile touched her lips briefly. She’d never expected to become a special operative with a strong supportive team. If they were here they’d have her back. They were back in New York, but would always be there for her if Paul continued to try and have her killed.       


                She hurried to her office, opened a couple of drawers, grabbed a diary and some computer disks. Lydia dropped them into the backpack she’d brought with her and hastened up the stairs to her bedroom. In the closet she removed a few favorite outfits. At the back of the closet she opened the secret compartment where she kept her good jewelry, dumped everything into the backpack, shivered, and ran down the stairs. Something felt off.


She wanted out of the house. She darted down the hall to the back door.  A click from the front door caught her attention. Lydia’s stomach clenched. Someone knew she was here. They were trying to break into the house.


                Lydia paused one second and focused her mind on the front door. She could see the lock. Using her power of telekinesis she visualized the pick being pushed into the lock, slid it out of the lock and dropped it in the plant beside the door.


                She heard someone swear.




Targeted by Beverley Bateman

U.S. Cover


This month I have the cover of my book, Targeted and the buy link on display at 


And check out The Fourth Victim Sara’s Story on Rafflecopter,  

You could win a $50 Amazon gift card.


Also check out The Red Carpet for The Fourth Victim Sara’s Story at

to win 2 Amazon gift cards.


This month is Victoria Day in Canada, Monday, May 20th.  It’s a statutory holiday, celebrated on the Monday preceding May 25th, to celebrate Queen Victoria’s birthday. And it’s Memorial Day in the United States, the last Monday in May. It commemorates all men and women who have dies in military service for the US.



And don’t forget to check out my blog and some great authors with their new books and other information.

Have a great Holiday Weekend – whichever holiday you celebrate!