It’s the first group blog of the year and we’re talking about how can contemporary fiction cope with the rapid changes of today’s world?

I find it an interesting topic because I’m having a challenge keeping up with all the changes, the affect computer technology has on everything. In writing it’s difficult. When you write contemporary you have to consider who will be reading, (age group, male or female) and then, when will they be reading it. Will it be this year, or will your book still be available in five years and will it be relevant?

For example, maybe five years ago people till used a landline. Now your h/h better be using a cellphone and how advanced is their cellphone, does it keep up with today’s technology? What about vehicles? Do they drive an electric car? Is there a charging station available?

Then there are the serious challenges like climate change, nutrition and diseases. Five people were not seriously addressing climate change. In the next five years what affect will it have on the earth? And will you address it as part of your novel, avoid it? What about nutrition? A lot of novels, contemporary or otherwise, have multiple scenes centered around food. Does you heroine only eat plant-based foods? Is he vegetarian? And what will they still be eating in five years if your book is available?

How do we cope with the changes? As writers we need to do our research, be aware of today’s culture and how our h/h fit in to today’s lifestyle and then project how we think or hope a reader will consider our book five years in the future.

Me? My head is spinning, I’m thinking of writing historical.

I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Now I’m going to read what other writers have to say on this challenging and stimulating topic.

Skye Taylor Dr. Bob Rich Helena Fairfax Connie Vines Judith Copek Fiona McGier Anne Stenhouse Rhobin L Courtright  http://