Happy New Year, everyone! Rhobin is starting the new year by getting us to focus. At least that’s how it’s working for me. Our topic for this month is – What is on your writing to-do list for this year? Do you have any long-range goals or just wrap-ups?

Covid is still here and I found that last year Covid fatigue began affecting my writing. Staying home, social distancing and no hugs left me with decreased motivation and diminished energy which worsened with cold weather, snow and ice. My writing suffered and I wrote less and less.

We’re still in lock-down, wear ing masks and social distancing but there is a vaccine and a light in the tunnel that life will improve. And spring is only a few months away. So, I’m meditating, eating healthier and getting motivated again. My writing to-do list is a combination of both long-range goals and wrap-ups. I have my novel which I had hoped to finish last year. I didn’t, so finish the book and get it published is on the wrap-up list. I took a workshop last year on advertising and doing ads and I haven’t utilized the information. I want to start doing some ads on a regular basis – another wrap-up item. I need to finish reading a fe books and write reviews for them – another wrap-up.

My to-do list is to write a novella, which I want to put up on Amazon for free. I also want to write a short story to give away on my website to those who sign-up for my newsletter. I also want to do research for the short story, the novella, and for my next book which I would like to start in the fall.   

I look forward to seeing what’s on everyone else’s list for the year.

Skye Taylor   http://www.skye-writer.com/blogging_by_the_sea Victoria Chatham   http://www.victoriachatham.com Marci Baun    http://www.marcibaun.com/blog/

Connie Vines  http://mizging.blogspot.com/ Dr. Bob Rich  https://wp.me/p3Xihq-2bY Anne Stenhouse    http://annestenhousenovelist.wordpress.com/ Diane Bator   http://dbator.blogspot.ca/ Fiona McGier   http://www.fionamcgier.com/ Judith Copek   http://lynx-sis.blogspot.com/ Rhobin L Courtright  http://www.rhobincourtright.com