These are things I need to keep reminding myself.

I’ve always written. I’ve said it before.  I remember writing those locked room plots, but I only wrote sketches or outlines.

When I decided I needed to get serious and quit thinking about it, I decided to write a romance. I think I got through two or three chapters before I had to bring a villain and then a body.  So I write romantic suspense. I also thought it would be easy. You write a story – right? How hard could it be?

I found out it wasn’t that easy. And I also found out that not only did I need a body or two, but I needed a romance. It helped develop the characters. I’ve read some great s mysteries and suspense books, but I always feel a little cheated, no matter how good the book. There’s no emotional connection between the characters. So I need that connection.

So I knew what I needed but it was hard to put it on paper and when I started I didn’t know about all the writing groups and organizations so I was on my own.  I didn’t have a plan for writing so it was trial and error. I worked full-time so I’d write in the evening. I’d be tired so I’d skip it. I’d write weekends, but there were other things that needed to be done. I’d read a writing book. Then I’d try and follow their suggestions.  I’d write and then I’d edit. I never got anywhere. Then I’d write without editing. I got a lot more written but it was hard to go back and edit. I’d stare at empty pages. I got nowhere when I didn’t write something.

I’ve come up with a few things I still need to remember even now. It doesn’t get any easier.

    –           Write every day – get words on a page – you can’t edit that blank page.

      –           Write because you love your story. Don’t try and write for the market.

–           Find a schedule that works for you; early morning, evening, after everyone’s in bed, on your lunch hour with a pen and notebook.

–           Stay focused – and don’t do social media until you’ve written your pages for the day. I think I read Stephen King writers 2500 words a day. Pick a number that works for you.

–           Don’t worry about being perfect – just write.

–           Set a timer if you need it.

–           Find a writing group or organization so you’re not writing alone.

       –           Read.

  And if anyone else has a good tip, please share it.