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Setting Writing Goals for the Rest of the Year

By Author Kelli A. Wilkins


Hi everyone,


Remember a few weeks ago when you were talking about making changes and setting goals for the New Year? That was great! Then life happened. You had stuff to do and maybe your “fresh start” got pushed back a little. Don’t worry. It happened to me, too!

But now d o you find yourself gazing at your new calendar, wondering, “How is it 2019? Where did January go? I had all those plans…”

If so, don’t stress out. Take some time to look back at what you achieved last year and start thinking about this year. Evaluating your writing goals and setting reasonable action steps now will help you get on target for the rest of 2019. Even if January is over, you still have eleven more months ahead of you and plenty of opportunities to make changes and meet your goals.

Perhaps you took time off from writing and want to get back in the swing of things. Maybe your writing muse went on vacation to Hawaii and hasn’t come back yet. That’s okay. It’s fine to take a break from writing for a while—but not too long. (If you rest too long, you’ll rust!) Writing exercises, journaling, and freewriting story ideas are great ways to revive your motivation.

Keep in mind that everyone’s writing career and writing goals are different. Think about what you want for you . Do you want to finish the novel you started last year (or haven’t started yet)? Send out a dozen short stories? Enter a contest?

If you write magazine articles, are there any major publications you’re targeting? Start brainstorming ideas now, make a list of places to send queries, and check out potential markets for their latest submission guidelines. (It’s also time to be thinking 3 to 6 months ahead and plan those spring and summer articles.)

  Write fiction? Have you found any new markets? Signed up for online market newsletters? If you’re published in one genre (say, romance or horror), are you going to expand your horizons and write a different type of story this year? 

Is the writing part going fine, but you need to develop (or enhance) your online profile and/or marketing? Explore writing-related websites and blogs, Yahoo Groups, social media groups, and advertising opportunities for your work. Are your blog, website, and author page(s) up-to-date? Should they get a refresh (or a major overhaul) for the new year? 

Make a list of all you want to accomplish in the next few weeks and months. Having a list of projects and priorities will help keep your writing objectives on track. For example, if you want to explore new markets for your short story, put “find new markets” on your list.

If you’re determined to write a new book, make a timeline for research, character development, plotting, etc. Give yourself a deadline for when you want to start writing and stick to it. Decide how many pages or chapters you want to finish each day/week/month. Little by little, your book will take shape, and you’ll be amazed at your progress.

No matter what your writing goals are, a little pre-planning will help you focus and allow you to flow from one writing project to another. Preparation also keeps you motivated and fends off writer’s block, because you always have “the next thing” to work on.

When you write down your goals, start your sentences with a positive statement, such as: “I will finish the rough draft of my novel by June 1” or “I will submit six articles to magazines.” After you’ve made the list, note what you need to do to get started. This could include setting aside specific times to write each day, getting writer’s guidelines, or sending out query letters. Then, pick one project (the most time-sensitive one, or your personal favorite), and get to work. Spend time targeting your goals now, and you’ll be on your way to success!

But keep a balance. Don’t let yourself become so goal oriented that you burn yourself out, stress yourself half to death, and let the writing life take the place of your real life. (Believe me, I’ve been there and I’ve learned.)

Family, friends, pets, neighbors, and having fun are all important parts of being alive. Make time for your writing, but also make time for yourself and those you love. (Yes, it’s perfectly okay to leave the husband parked in front of a movie and go write for two hours. But make sure when you turn the computer off, you focus on the present moment.)

Every new day is bursting with hope, possibilities, and opportunities to make this year really great. Set goals for yourself. Write as much as you need to (or want to), and then sit in the yard and watch the world go by for an hour. You’re worth it!

If you are interested in learning more about the writing process and want expert tips and writing advice, why not check out my online writing course? Fiction Writing for Beginners is designed for anyone who is interested in writing and needs practical advice on how to get started, PLUS motivation and encouragement to keep writing. (And even better, it’s on sale for a limited time!)

Thirteen easy-to-follow classes cover the writing process from start to finish. You’ll learn where writers get ideas, how to create characters, get expert tips on writing your story, and find out how to submit it for publication. Everything you need to know to start writing is wrapped up in this comprehensive and fun course.

Each class is self-contained and self-directed. This way, you can learn about a specific topic at your own pace, and not worry about completing the class by a certain deadline. Short writing exercises at the end of each class highlight the subject matter and get you writing.


If you’ve always wanted to write, Fiction Writing for Beginners gives you all the tools you need.

V isit the course page and learn more here:

Don’t miss the limited time sale. Enroll today and start writing tomorrow!

Happy Reading… and Writing!



Kelli A. Wilkins is an award-winning author who has published more than 100 short stories, 19 romance novels, and 5 non-fiction books. Her romances span many genres and heat levels, and she’s also been known to scare readers with her horror stories.

In January 2019 Kelli released the second half of her flash fiction series, Cupid’s Schemes . These two volumes of lighthearted mini-romances are perfect reads for a quick lunchtime escape or an after-work indulgence.

She also authored her first online writing course, Fiction Writing for Beginners, through Teachable. This course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to write. Visit: for more details.

Kelli’s historical romance, Redemption from a Dark Past , was published in 2018. This full-length Gothic novel is set in the kingdom of Hungary in 1723 and blends a sensual romance with mystery and suspense.

If you like horror fiction, don’t miss her latest novella, Nightmare in the North .

Kelli posts on her Facebook author page: and Twitter: .

Visit her website and blog http://kelliwilkinsauthor to learn more about all of her writings.





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Everyone should be eating healthy, including writers.

The Canadian Government just put out their new Food Guide. I think it compares to the American Food Guide.

Since I’m Canadian I’’ll discuss the Canadian Food Guide. Previously the Guide recommended specific amounts of each food group per day. This one appears to be very different from their previous one.   It appears to be more health oriented, more in line with ow people are eating today.

It emphasizes eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, protein, choosing whole grain foods and making water your drink of choice. Makes sense to me.

Then it emphasizes being mindful of your eating habits, cooking at home more often, paying attention and enjoying your food and eating meals with others. It recommends you limit foods high in sodium, sugars or saturated fats, use food labels, and limit highly processed foods

Some suggestions if you eat highly processed foods, are to try to:

·                     eat them less often

·                     eat them in small amounts

·                     replace them with healthier options

You can:

·         replace sugary drinks with water

·         try not to keep highly processed foods at home

·         choose healthier menu options when eating out

           choose less processed foods, such as:

o    leftover baked chicken instead of deli meats

o    steel-cut oats instead of sweetened instant oats

·         make homemade versions of your favourite highly processed foods:

o    try a healthy muffin recipe to replace store-bought muffins

o    make your own frozen dinners by choosing a healthy recipe and freezing it in meal-sized portions

·         stock your kitchen with healthy snacks. Try quick and easy options like:

o    nuts

o    fruit

o    carrots

o    hard-boiled eggs

·         plan your meals and snacks in advance to include:

o    vegetables and fruit

o    whole grain foods

o    protein foods

·         limit the use of highly processed spreads and dressings in your meals and snacks

         use the food label when grocery shopping to make informed choices

Some processed foods can be part of a healthy eating pattern

Not all processed foods have added sodium, sugars or saturated fat. Some types of processing, like pasteurization, help create a safe and convenient food supply. Other types of processing can be used to help preserve food and retain nutrients. These techniques include: drying; canning and freezing.

What are your thoughts? How are your eating patterns? Next week I’m going to touch n the top three diets.

Here’s a recipe from the Canadian Food guide site

Curried vegetable lentil stew Servings: 6

Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 25 minutes



10 mL (2 tsp) canola oil

1 red onion, chopped

4 cloves garlic, minced

60 mL (1/4 cup) chopped fresh cilantro , divided

15 mL (1 tbsp) minced fresh ginger or 5 mL (1 tsp) ground ginger

30 mL (2 tbsp) mild curry paste or powder

5 mL (1 tsp) garam masala

30 mL (2 tbsp) all purpose flour

625 mL (2 1/2 cups) sodium reduced vegetable broth

2 yellow fleshed potatoes, diced (about 300 g/10 oz total)

1 red bell pepper, chopped

180 g (6 oz) fresh or frozen green beans, chopped

1 can (540 mL/19 oz) sodium reduced lentils, drained and rinsed


1.In a large shallow saucepan or Dutch oven, heat oil over medium heat. Cook onion, garlic, half of the cilantro, ginger, curry paste and garam masala for about 3 minutes or until softened. Stir in flour until absorbed. Slowly pour in broth, stirring until combined.

2. Add potatoes, pepper, beans and lentils and bring to a simmer. Cover and cook, stirring often, for about 20 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Sprinkle with remaining cilantro before serving.


Addison Brae lives on the edge of downtown Dallas, Texas. She’s been writing since childhood and continues as an independent marketing consultant. She’s addicted to reading and enjoys jogging, sipping red wine, traveling the world, collecting interesting cocktail recipes, binge-watching TV series, vintage clothing, and hanging out with her artistic other half and their neurotic cat Lucy.


Dreaming and failing is better than never dreaming at all

People often ask if it’s always been my dream to be a writer. The answer’s no—to commercial writing, at least. It’s a job, one I enjoy, but still a job.

I started writing in college working for a record company. Then I continued my writing career working for a newspaper, corporations, and agencies. Today I’m a marketing and public relations consultant and write for clients every day.

Writing fiction is a whole ‘nother story, as we say in Texas. About 10 years ago I took a mini work sabbatical. The extra time motivated me to clean out boxes I had lugged with me for years. In one was my teenage diary I wrote when I lived in England. The diary contents sparked the idea for my first novel that I hope to revise and publish someday. I didn’t tell a soul until I had 30,000 words written. That’s when I realized I could finish a novel. That’s when my dream for other people to read my novel came to be.

Then there’s that little thing about believing in myself.

While growing up, no one encouraged me to think big. To dream. My destiny was to go work, get married, have kids, then retire. Me? I don’t think so. When the inspiration for my first novel hit, I realized I could do lots more than live the expected life. To cope, I was very selective about who I told I was writing a novel. That way, no one could discourage me. Squelch my dream.

I meet so many people who don’t reach for their dreams. They don’t believe in themselves either. Some are afraid of making mistakes and what people might think if they mess up along the way.

Missteps are a must-have. Without the mistakes hard-working inventors made, we wouldn’t have matches, artificial sweetener or penicillin. There would be no x-rays, microwave ovens, Play-doh, or brandy. Our lives would be vastly different. Cheers to messing up!

I’ve failed. Made plenty of mistakes. The first was a biggie, sending my first manuscript to J.K. Rowling’s agent as soon as I finished it. If he likes Ms. Rowling’s writing, he certainly would appreciate mine. His was the first of many rejection letters. With each rejection I improved my writing, learned the business. I wrote another novel, and then another. The rejections got much more constructive and encouraging. With input from agents and editors, I believed in my abilities more. The third manuscript, Becker Circle , was published last March. In it, Gillian, the heroine, dreams. She fails and learns, but you’ll have to read it to see if she achieves her dream. I thank Tirgearr Publishing and others who know who they are for believing in me.

With a new year ahead, I encourage everyone to dust off a dream. Dream up a new one. Take one step and then another. Fail. Take five more steps. Enjoy learning and growing and messing up and achieving along the way. Why? Life without a dream isn’t worth living.  

Blurb for Becker’s Circle

My first and only boyfriend believed I was too gutless to leave. He was dead wrong. My name’s Gillian, and I graduated Harvard early and left his hot temper and everyone else behind for Dallas. Determined to make it on my own, I land a second job bartending at the neighborhood pub smack in drama central where most every jerk in the neighborhood hits on me—at a huge price.

A week into the job, the neighborhood’s very popular drug dealer falls to his death a few feet from the table I’m serving. The cops say suicide, but the hot guitar player in the house band and I suspect foul play, and I intend to prove it. We dig deeper, grow closer, and make a shocking discovery. We know the murderer. Watch the trailer .

Buy Links for Becker Circle

Amazon US , Amazon UK , Smashwords , iTunes , Kobo , and B&N Nook .

You can connect with Addison on her website , Tirgearr Publishing , Twitter , Facebook , Instagram , BookBub , or YouTube .


A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex. Writing was so much fun Dee decided to keep at it. That’s how she spends her days. Her nights? Well, she’s lucky that her dream man, childhood sweetheart, and long-time hubby are all the same guy, and nights are their secret. For romance ranging from sweet to historical, contemporary to paranormal and more join Dee on Nomad Authors. Contact Dee at

Character interview

Beverley: What is your name?

Daniel: Daniel Goodman

Beverley: Where did you grow up?

Daniel: Lucky Strike, North Carolina (in this case, Lucky Strike refers to a strike of sapphires, not cigarettes)

Beverley:   During what time period does your story take place?

Daniel: Present day

Beverley:   What’s your story/back story? Why would someone come up with a story about you?

Daniel: I was born as one in a set of identical triplets. My family was pretty famous for a short time because of my brothers and me. But because my parents never married (they loved each other and us like nobody’s business but just never got around to making it legal) we were made fun of quite a bit growing up. My brother Mark—a bona fide genius—never seemed to mind because he turned to math and seemed unaware most of the time. Brother Jonah never let anything bother him. He either punched kids who annoyed him with taunts or laughed it off. I withdrew into books and set my personal academic goals high. Now I’m set to become headmaster at one of the most prestigious boys’ schools in America. Wouldn’t you just know that now, of all times, when everything I do and everything in my personal life is under scrutiny, my parents decide to get married? And it’s going to be nationally televised. What did I do to deserve this??

Beverley:   What’s your goal in this story?

Daniel: To become headmaster of Westover Academy and to marry a woman suitable to be the wife of the headmaster. 

Beverley:   What conflicts are you facing?

Daniel: There is a woman perfectly suitable for me to marry and her father has a great deal of influence at the school. But the woman I want—the woman I lust after like a kid lusts for chocolate—is a former stripper with a child she bore out of wedlock. She would never be accepted at Westover. Do I give up the girl or the dream?

Beverley:   Do you have a plan for resolving them?

Daniel: Eve and I decided to enjoy each other in secret. We know that anything long term won’t work but the attraction is too strong to ignore. That’s the plan and I’m sticking to it. Probably. Maybe. 

Beverley:   Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you?

Daniel: Just that Dee (my author) has made this Book 1 of The Good Man Series. (It’s a play on my name, see? Goodman = Good Man? Dee’s so clever!) My bother Jonah’s story is coming soon. 

Excerpt from Only A Good Man Will Do:

“Daniel, am I talking to myself, here?”

“Oh, no, I’m…” He chuckled an amused admission. “Tell me what you said again.”

He could almost hear Eve smile. “I said, you called at four-thirty on Saturday and Sunday, so I took a wild leap that you would today, too.”

“Ah.” Smiling to the empty room, he squirmed to get into a more comfortable position. “A woman of logic.”

“Absolutely. You don’t want to play me in chess. I think five or six moves ahead.”

Buy links for Only A Good Man Will Do:






You can find Dee at:






♥♥ GiveAway ♥♥

Dee is giving away an ebook of Naval Maneuvers and a $10 Amazon card to giveaway during the tour. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember you may enter every day for your chance to win. You may find the tour locations here


Our first Group Blog of the New Year and it’s a great one. How do you develop secondary characters? Do you even have a favorite secondary character?

I thought I’d start with the definition.   The secondary character is more than just a minor character and is responsible for progressing the story in some way. He or she is necessary to the story because this character reveals key details, motivates the protagonist, foils the protagonist, or helps define the story’s setting. The secondary character almost always interacts with the protagonist on some level, be it through dialogue or a memory that the protagonist has of this secondary character. They help us show, not tell.

I develop mine much like I do my main characters but with less detail. I decide who needs a friend or someone to talk to, someone who helps move the story forward. Then I do a little back story, a description, some personality traits and some good and bad points. I may not write about any of it, but it helps get the feel of the secondary character. As with the main characters, I get to know them better as the story progresses, but as secondary characters I write them a little looser and can have fun with them. I was once warned not to like them too much, or they could take over the story.

Hmm, a favorite secondary character… I love Gran in my Hawkins’ Ranch series. She’s the matriarch of the family and a busy body, who moves a lot of the stories forward, especially the romance part. And Betty, who owns the Diner which is gossip center, and she knows everything and loves the townspeople. And from the Foundation, The Fourth Victim, there’s Link Stone, (for entirely different reasons) the security officer and Carly’s semi-bodyguard, but he’s being elevated in the next book. I’m looking forward to reading what other authors have to say. Please join me by checking them out.

Skye Taylor

Margaret Fieland

Helena Fairfax

Dr. Bob Rich

Fiona McGier

Connie Vines

Judith Copek

Victoria Chatham

Rhobin L Courtright

Through a crazy twist of fate, Caroline Clemmons was not born on a Texas ranch. To compensate for this illogical error, she writes about handsome cowboys, feisty ranch women, and scheming villains in a small office her family calls her pink cave. She and her Hero live in North Central Texas cowboy country where they ride herd on their rescued cats and dogs. The books she creates there have made her an Amazon bestselling author and won several awards.

Beverley: Which genre or genres do you write or prefer to write? And why?

Caroline: Most of my books are western historical romances. I love history, especially post Civil War 19th century American history. I love the Southwest. 

I’ve also written contemporary romance, time travel, a cozy mystery, and a traditional mystery. I love to read all of those and wanted to write what I enjoy reading. The only other things I read are women’s fiction and Regency. I might get around to writing those eventually.

Beverley: Who influenced you the most in deciding to become a writer?

Caroline: My father was a big influence. He taught me that one could write about anything by using imagination. I had an excellent journalism teacher who inspired me. Strangely enough, it was my mother-in-law who suggested I write novels. I used to write pages and pages in weekly letters to my family members. My mother-in-law said that the vignettes I wrote about our life were like reading a book. She brought me a large grocery bag of romance books to read. I got hooked on romance books and decided to write one.

Beverley: What gets your creative juices flowing?

Caroline: Sitting at my computer snaps me into writing mode. I don’t enjoy using my laptop although I do when we travel. I like my little pink office and my computer set up. A lot of my favorite things are here. Ideas come from everywhere.

Beverley: Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Why?

Caroline: I don’t now but I did as a child. I loved Bugs Bunny and pestered my dad to read me the Bugs Bunny cartoon in the evening paper every day while my mom finished supper. Dad taught me to read very early, and I say it was because he got tired of reading Bugs Bunny. Actually, it was because he thought education was valuable and didn’t think the school taught me enough.

Beverley: Who would you love most to meet ‘in person’ and why?

Caroline: Queen Elizabeth II because she fascinates me. She is really quite an admirable person.

Beverley: If you had an unexpected free day what would you do with it?

Caroline:   Read, of course. I’d love to read without feeling guilty for reading instead of writing or cleaning house.

Beverley: What are you working on now?

Caroline: I’m actually working on two things, unusual for me. One is a novella in the Kincaid series, MONK’S BRIDE. The other is book two in the Pearson Grove series. Both are set in Texas. 

Blurb for Garnet

Garnet is a sweet historical western in the Widows of Wildcat Ridge Series.

Garnet Chandler is fighting to hold onto her café, her niece and nephew, and her sanity after the deaths of her husband, his brother, and his sister-in-law. A persistent prowler and the threat of losing custody of her niece and nephew spur her to action. She doesn’t need another man, but she needs a husband long enough to convince the children’s grandparents she can offer them a stable home.

Bounty hunter Adam Bennett was ready to settle down when his friend was killed by a horse thief. He set out to capture the man who had also killed a guard when escaping prison. Adam must have let down his defenses because the man he followed and two cohorts waylaid Adam, beating him and stealing all his possessions before kicking him down a steep ravine. Adam is determined to capture the three as soon as he heals from their encounter.

Garnet and Adam join forces to achieve both their goals but will that be enough?

Excerpt from Garnet

A loud rap at the back door startled her. She kept the curtains closed unless they were serving food and she couldn’t see who had knocked.

Joey grabbed his stick. “Don’t answer it. Might be the robber there.”

She wiped her hands on her apron. “Or a friend who needs something.” Joey didn’t know the Colt was in her apron pocket. After taking a deep, bracing breath, she opened the door.

The dirtiest man she’d ever seen stood there. His beard was as dirty as his clothes. Fresh cuts showed through the mud on his face. He was tall and broad-shouldered but looked as if he could barely stand.

“Ma’am, my name is Adam Bennett. Please don’t be put off by my appearance. I was robbed up the mountain a ways and lost all my gear. I’m mighty hungry. If you need anything done, I like to work for a meal.”

Joey was by her side. “He isn’t the one from last night.” All the same, her nephew kept his pick handle in his hand.

“We’re the Chandlers. Come in and sit down. Wait, wash your hands and face at the sink first. You can’t handle food while you’re that filthy.”

While the man washed his hands, she filled a plate from leftovers and poured a cup of coffee. “Joey, please get my medicine box from upstairs.”

He leaned close. “I don’t think I should leave you alone while he’s here.”

Joey took being man of the family seriously. “Oh, all right. Hyacinth, would you get the medicine box for me?”

“How come he doesn’t have to and I do?” Usually sweet, Hyacinth was a bit spoiled and definitely jealous of her brother.”

“Because Mr. Bennett is injured and needs our help. Please hurry.”

Her niece stomped up the stairs while muttering under her breath, her golden curls bouncing with each step.

When Garnet glanced at the man, she saw he’d wolfed down his food. “I’ll get you more. How long since you’ve eaten?”

“Not sure how long I was in and out of consciousness up there. They attacked me on Saturday. What day is this?”

“Monday. No wonder you’re hungry.” She set another plate of food in front of him and refilled his cup.

Buy Link for Garnet

You can find Caroline on her blog , website , Facebook , Twitter , Goodreads , Google+ , and Pinterest .

Click on her Amazon Author Page for a complete list of her books and follow her there.

Follow her on BookBub .

Subscribe to Caroline’s newsletter here to receive a FREE novella of HAPPY IS THE BRIDE, a humorous historical wedding disaster that ends happily—but you knew it would, didn’t you?

She loves to hear from readers at

Things people ask when they hear I’m a writer and before their eyes glaze over:

– Are you published? (at least now they’ve accepted being published on e-readers)

– where do you get your ideas?

– who are your characters based on?

So, who are your characters based on? Mine come from various places. I usually have a plot in mind first, then I start thinking about the main characters. My latest release, The Fourth Victim – Sara’s Story has seven main characters and two supporting characters plus two villains and a few others. (I know, way too many characters but I couldn’t figure out anyway to cut them).

My idea was to have women helping women from difficult and often potentially fatal situations. So, I came up with three women who meet in university. They become friends. They come different backgrounds but besides getting their degree they had a few things in common. They have access to money and a strong desire to help women. They volunteer at women’s shelters during college and help set up a few new ones. Then they decide to help women from difficult situations and train to do this. They form The Foundation.

I continue to develop and flesh out the characters, maybe there’s a little of my own desire to help women become stronger in there, but the characters aren’t based on any specific person. As they become stronger and more effective, they decide to train other women to do the same thing and more characters are added. All based on my imagination, character check lists and question, and types that would work in that situation – and a little paranormal wouldn’t hurt either. check out The Fourth Victim on my website at

The only time I’ve used people I know is if someone annoys me and I put them in as a character that I can eliminate inn the story.

What about you? Where do your characters come from? Are they based on people you know?

A few years ago, I read my first romance novel and I was hooked, so much so that I decided to give the idea of writing a story a chance. My style is more gritty than sweet and I look forward to writing many more stories with strong heroines and imperfect but determined characters. Love, courage, hope, and second chances are a few of my favorite themes. When I’m not writing, I enjoy spending time outside and finding ways to avoid cooking. I live in beautiful Virginia with my husband, two daughters, and a sweet, hairy monster of a dog.

BEVERLEY: Which genre or genres do you write or prefer to write? And why?

CHRISTINA: I prefer writing paranormal romance with a major suspense element. I like the paranormal genre because I can bend reality to create a strange, extraordinary version of reality. I add a dose of suspense to everything I write because I have always loved to read stories that keep me wondering what will happen next.

BEVERLEY: Who influenced you the most in deciding to become a writer?

CHRISTINA: When I was a kid, I loved writing down short stories and poems just for fun. My grandmother Marie and my great aunt Margaret used to give me beautiful blank journals. They would tell me to write whatever I wanted inside and encouraged me to keep filling up my notebooks. It wasn’t until much later in life that I thought about sharing any of the stories and poems I wrote. Sometimes, when I’m stuck on a chapter and can’t think of what should come next, I think about those notebooks I had as a kid and how at first, I didn’t want to put anything inside on the pages because I didn’t want to ruin the pretty notebooks. Eventually, I filled the notebooks with some stories I thought were good, some that I never finished, and some that were pretty awful. But nothing happens when the pages get left blank. Only stillness and frustration.

BEVERLEY: What gets your creative juices flowing?

CHRISTINA: I often listen to music while I write. Every now and then, a song hits me in just the right way and I find myself writing page after page. I even include references to a few particular songs in my stories. In Wolf’s Challenge, I named a nightclub Midnight Blue after the Lou Gramm song of the same name. In Bear’s Edge, I always imaged the hero, Grant, working out to a playlist of Rush, Korn, Social Distortion, and Ozzy Osbourne. 

BEVERLEY: Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Why?

CHRISTINA: Jerry, the mouse from Tom and Jerry. Though he was smaller than Tom, the cat, Jerry managed to stay alive, not by cowering in the corner and waiting for Tom to be gone, but by being clever. Tom made the best of the situation of having a cat in the house by going on the offensive and terrorizing Tom, even if that meant a little danger and risk.

BEVERLEY: Who would you love most to meet ‘in person’ and why?

CHRISTINA: I honestly don’t know. Many of my heroes and childhood favorites have proven to be less than stellar human beings. I think I’d rather just assume the few people that I do still admire are decent and avoid a one on one conversation that could possibly destroy that illusion.

BEVERLEY: If you had an unexpected free day what would you do with it?

CHRISTINA: I would grab a few of my friends that I don’t get to see as often as I would like and we would head to the beach to spend the day swimming, shopping, and trying different restaurants.

BEVERLEY: What are you working on now?

CHRISTINA: I’m working on book 3 in the Stranger Creatures series. In book 3, Detective Nikki Jackson isn’t looking for love. She has a great job and some other side work that keeps her busy. When a strong, quiet, dark-eyed man arrives in Great Oaks to assist Nikki on a case, she’s determined to keep things professional. So is he. And yet…

Blurb for Wolf’s Challenge


When Sydney left Seattle two years ago, she was scared, traumatized, and done with men for good. Now she has a good job, a hobby that’s fast becoming a second career, and best of all, she’s adopted a little girl named Angel. Life is good and Sydney’s not about to let charming lawyer Derrick mess that up, no matter how sexy he is, or how sweet he seems. 

Things aren’t always as they appear in the town of Great Oaks, Virginia. Derrick isn’t the ladies’ man Sydney thinks he is, but he does have a few secrets, such as his ability to transform into a powerful wolf at will. 

Can Derrick convince Sydney to give him a chance, something more than her elusive maybe? More importantly, should he? He’s still trying to forgive himself for being at the wheel during the accident that killed his son. Losing Sydney when she learns the truth might break him, but he’s pretty sure not having her in his life would be just as bad.

A troubled woman running from her guilty conscience has Sydney and Derrick in her crosshairs, and she’ll do whatever it takes to win her game. Will Sydney and Derrick survive long enough to be together?

Buy Links for Wolf’s Challenge (Stranger Creatures Book 1):


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The New Year is moving along quickly and I’m slogging along behind, trying to catch up.

Everyone is busy doing new year resolutions. Do you make resolutions? Do you keep them? And if you do, for how long?

I gave up making resolution years ago because they never worked and then I felt guilty when I broke them, so I switched to making goals. It’s kind of nice when you start a new year to think about where you’ve been in 2018 and evaluate those goals and then focus on things that you’d like to accomplish in 2019. I try to make them realistic and measurable.   For example, last year I said I wanted to start sending out newsletters a few times a year. I managed to send one out before the end o the year – so I accomplished that goal.

I usually divide my goals up into at least two different categories – my personal goals and my writing goals, which is what I did this year.   For my personal goals – do I want to lose weight? Of course I do, but will I?   Who knows?  Instead my goal is to eat healthy. I’m going to follow the Mediterranean Diet which is the top diet for healthy eating.   My main goal is to be healthier, reduce and keep my blood pressure low and feel better. I also want to increase my exercise and aim for 7,000 -10,000 steps daily. And I’d like to work on time management. This also works with my writing goals.

My writing goals start with time management. I want to be more organized, so I write every day, even a few minutes and find some time to keep up with marketing and promotion.   I want to sed out 4 newsletters this year, do one or two guest blogs a month. I want to spend more time on the business of writing and learning about it, do more promos and gift books, do a few more ads.

We’ll see how I do. I’d love to hear some of your goals for 2019.

It’s almost Christmas. Shopping, baking, Christmas cards should be almost done.

Someone posted they didn’t relate to Christmas and the commercialism, which I can support. And that for many people who live alone, live below the poverty line or with disabilities, it can be a very lonely time, made worse by all the talk of big families and get togethers. I also believe this is true. I thought I’d go back and check out the history of Christmas, before Santa and the commercialism.

The word Christmas comes from a shortened form of Christ’s mass. It’s a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the earth commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is preceded by the Advent or the Nativity fast and initiates the season of Christmastide, which historically in the West lasts twelve days.

The traditional Christmas narrative, the Nativity of Jesus, says Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem of Joseph and Mary.     Although the month and date of Jesus’ birth are unknown, by the early-to-mid fourth century the Western Christian Church had placed Christmas on December 25th . For Christians, the belief that God came into the world in the form of man to atone for the sins of humanity, rather than the exact date, is considered to be the primary purpose in celebrating.

Over the centuries and years and through various countries things like gift-giving, Christmas carols, Christmas trees, Christmas cards, Christmas decoration, Christmas lights, Christmas crackers, a special meal, and Santa have been added. Gift-giving and other aspects of the holidays have heightened economic activity to the point where the meaning of Christmas has almost disappeared.

In this time of lights and spending large amounts of money on gifts maybe we need to sit back and remember that birth long ago, and the people today who are poor or alone during this holiday season. Just a thought.

Merry Christmas everyone!