Two weeks until Christmas, how are you doing?

Decorations and tree up – check

Music playing -check

Christmas cards sent – check

First Newsletter out (Yeah me!) – check. And you can sign up for it

at my website

Shopping – in progress

First Christmas party – check

Christmas baking – in progress. I included my recipe for quick,

yummy Christmas cookies in my newsletter

Latest book, The Fourth Victim Sara’s Story now in paperback – check

So, I still have shopping and baking and planning Christmas dinner to do.  

And I’m trying to work on my new WIP. Do you get much writing done

during this time of the year?

I find it a challenge so here’s a few hints that I use and might work for you-

Making a list and checking it twice. 😊

– Write down your goals for each day – including shopping, wrapping, Christmas

concerts, etc.

– Check your schedule and decide when you have a spare fifteen minutes – get up a few minutes earlier, stay up later, write by hand during a lunch break – fit in fifteen minutes of writing

– Waiting in line to mail parcels, do research 0n line or carry a book with you, or jot down things you need to check

You want get a lot of pages written but you will get a few done over the holidays and you’ll keep your WIP fresh. And when you’re busy doing research or thinking about your story you may get a thought that gets you excited and find you have to write the scene or chapter.

If you have any suggestions to help with writing during the holiday season, please share them with us.